For composition inquiries, please contact:
Barbara Scales - Latitude45 Arts
Catalogue of Works
“Tired of Living, Feared of Dying” a Dennis Cameron documentary for Rex Video, London, UK; Year: 1996; Duration: 9'
“The Leopard Son” a Discovery Channel/Hugo van Lawick film, (European production); Year: 1996; Duration: 22’
“Pavlov” for Dutch television, Year: 1997
Solo Concerti
“Memoriam in D” for violin, violoncello and orchestra; Year: 2004; Duration: 25'
“Piano Concerto” Year: 2009; Revision: 2017; Duration: 22'
“Harp Concerto” comm. by the United Nations and the Government of The Netherlands; Year: 2021; Duration: 23’
"Viola Concerto" Year: 2022-23; Duration 24'
Chamber Music
"Piano Sonata: Something for Piano 1 and 2” Year: 2005; Duration: 9’
"Movement for Piano Trio” Year: 2007; Duration: 4’
"Piano Quartet” Year: 2008; Duration: 10’
"Cloches Sourdes” for two pianos and tubular bells. Year: 2017; Duration 8'
"Souvenirs Fugaces" 4 preludes for piano solo. Year: 2022; Duration 7'
"TienLies" prelude for flute and piano. Year: 2022; Duration 3'30"
"Tzimtzum" for choir, harp, violoncello and percussion. Year: 2023; Duration 5'
Symphonies and Orchestral Music
Chamber Symphony 1 “Remember to Forget” Year: 2009; Duration: 16’;
on occasion of the 50th anniversary of Canadian Music Centre
Chamber Symphony 2 “Children’s War Diaries” Year: 2017; Duration: 15'; JUNO nominated, 2022
"Concerto Antico: à Travers un Miroir Fumé" Year: 2022; Duration 13'
Vocal Music
“Hope and Belief” baroque ensemble and mixed choir; Year: 2020; Duration 2’; JUNO nominated, 2023
“Songs in Times of Honour” baroque orchestra and soprano; Year: 2020; Duration 13’
“ARIELLA” Opera in 3 acts; Libr: Thomas Beijer, inspired by the novels of Ariëlla Kornmehl; Year: 2012-2023; Duration: 90’
"Of Women and Witches, Their Lovers and Child" for 2 harpsichords and soprano; Year 2022; Duration 12'
"Of Women and Witches, Their Lovers and Child-II" for orchestra and soprano; Year 2024; Duration 12'
"Chansons THLLM, Uninterrupted Melody" for mixed choir (SATB); Year 2023; Duration 28'
"Sarah" Opera in 3 acts; Libr: Betrand Laverdure, inspired by the life of Sarah Bernhardt; Year: 2024; Duration: 90'